Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Gulf Games Day #2

Since I worked a lot of the first day of Gulf Games, I half-heartedly tried to make-up for missing out on gaming by playing lots of games. I knew I'd never win "friendliest gamer" if I didn't do something! I ended up not playing *that* many games though, but I had a lot of fun!

The highlight of the day was actually the last part of the evening! Sandi, Frank's wife, led a small group of us in a game of Werewolf! Lately, whenever I've played, I'm actually moderating, so it was nice to actually participate. I also got to play with people I'd never played it with and let me tell you, Frank is good! Jon came out as the Seer first round and Frank also claimed to be the Seer and I was having a tough time trying to decide who to believe. It was tough! Frank was actually a werewolf, so I ultimately chose the right person to vote against!

What was really neat is that Sandi made viewers that have your "card" in them. That way, you don't have to look at a card, you peep inside the viewer to see what you are. There's no worry about other people seeing your card or anything! They were really neat! I am going to have to ask her how she made those and see if I can make some myself!

I played with lots of folks on Friday, which helped me catch up to Mary, who, as a first time Gulf Gamer, was blazing a trail playing with everyone she could! Lucky for me, she was gone most of the day at the Unclaimed Luggage store, so it gave me a chance to catch up a bit. Lucky for her, she found a brand new, super-cute, pink Nintendo DS for $60.

And, the moment that may have made all the difference in my quest to win "Friendliest Gamer," I got Jeff (who normally only ever plays 8 hour games) to play a quick, two player game of, what else? Race for the Galaxy! He already knew how to play, so we managed to crank out a game in about 20 minutes before he headed out for the World of Warcraft Guild Luncheon.

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