Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Savings Inspiration

As I've been endlessly pondering what should be my New Year's Resolutions for 2008, one of the topics (as always!) has been how much I should try to save! I ran across this blog post about the "America's Cheapest Family" and fell in love. I love it when people are committed and follow through on something like this. (In case you don't read the article, it's a family of seven that lives off of $35,000 net a year and paid off their house in 9 years!)

Is it for everyone? Probably not. Frankly, I think most people don't have the discipline it takes to pull off something like that. But man, it's inspiring, isn't it? And it's full of links and tips! I haven't had time to explore them all yet, but one of them is for how to pull off "once a month cooking" which I've been interested in for a while. The closest I came to trying that was doing the Saving Dinner Mega-Menu Mailer, which was actually pretty cool, but I just haven't worked up the time/energy to do a repeat of it. Perhaps something to work on this spring. The recipes needed work, but the idea was a good one!

Hey... maybe that's a good idea for a resolution? Hmmm... I'll add that to the list of potentials... Speaking of, I think I'll be finalizing the list sometime next week.


Seth Jaffee said...

You could make it a resolution to actually decide on some New Year's Resolutions! Or to do so before 2009...


Stephanie said...

Ha-ha. I'm working on it! Last year I was so prepared. I think maybe I'll stick to basics. And not get all fancy like I did last year.