Yea! I finally got my hair cut off so I can donate it to
Locks of Love. They take donated hair and make wigs for children who have cancer and have lost all their hair. The minimum length for donation is 10", but I've been saving mine up so I am sending them a whopping 13 1/2"!!
Here is the before picture taken at work:
BeforeHere is the after picture taken at home:
AfterHonestly, this is probably the best it will ever look! The stylist blew it dry and flipped out the ends.
This is how I find out that you cut your hair?!
Yes! All of a sudden, I just HAD to get it cut. It was bugging me. You'll get to see it in person tomorrow night!!
Great haircut!!
Wow!!! Is Jason next???
Yes, yes, he is! He's growing his hair out to donate it too!
We miss you guys! XO
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