Saturday, February 17, 2007

Vacation update

Well, so far I'm having fun at Genghis Con. It's not nearly as much fun as BGG.con, but I think it's because there's not as much 0pen board gaming. Most games are scheduled, but the schedules are all wonky. They don't give enough time for some of the games to account for set-up and rules explanation and clean-up and game analysis. So, I've missed some games because of that. Overall though, it's been fun. I've had a chance to play Railroad Tycoon twice, which I've been wanting to try for a while. I'm also learning how to play Roads and Boats today, a game I wanted to learn at BGG.con last year. So, it's been really good for that.

It snowed last night and was FREEZING when we left here. I don't know if the weather will be OK enough to hike on Monday, but I'm guessing it will be. My sister and Evan are supposed to come by tomorrow to check out the con. Hopefully, they have fun!!


Anonymous said...

Now you can officially agree with me that Railroad Tycoon is a sweet game. In fact I would say it is sooooooooo sweet that a publisher should swoop in and eat up Eagle Games just to have rights to Railroad Tycoon.

Stephanie said...

RRT *is* sweet. I still love Age of Steam, but I did enjoy the "less stress" factor of RRT. It makes it much less stressful. But on the other hand, I kind of enjoy that pressure of planning your moves on AoS. They're both fun... I can't wait to play it again!! I played it two days in a row! :-)

Seth Jaffee said...

You might be interested to know that there's a new version of Age of Steam coming out next year - an "updated" version which makes some of it a little more like Railroad Tycoon. Might reduce the stress factor a little while still keeping the pressure of AoS on...