Friday, January 13, 2006

Is it any wonder people are fat??

I went out with my friend Shane last night to help her pick out new glasses. She always picks out the wire frames, so we went with some black plastic frames that definitely look more funky than her old ones.

After picking out her glasses, we went out to dinner at Maggiano's Little Italy. I have heard good things about that place, but I had never actually eaten there, so I was excited to try a new restaurant. Our drinks were good (caramel apple martini for her, Long Island ice tea for me) and then we set about trying to pick out something to eat. I love spicy food, so I often like to try the pasta dish with the arrabiata sauce on it. I don't know officially what exactly arrabiata sauce is supposed to be, but to me, it means a little extra garlic and some spiciness. Well, it was neither, so that was a little disappointing. It didn't taste bad at all, just not what I thought it would be.

The pasta dishes are sold by either 1/2 order or full order. The waiter said, if you just want to eat your dinner and not really have anything leftover, get the 1/2 order, but if you want to take home leftovers, get the full order. Since I didn't really have anything lined up for lunch, I said, "Give me the full order." If you look at the grainy picture below, this is the full order, AFTER I had what I could for dinner.

Angel Hair with Shrimp & Broccoli with Arrabiata Sauce

Hell-o! Isn't there a problem here? In case you can't make it out because it is dwarfed by the gigantic bowl of pasta, that is a U.S. quarter in my hand for a reference size. That is ridiculous. And, my waiter thought that if I ordered the full order that I'd have a little to take home??? How about 98% of it. When he came to pack it up, I said, "Wow, you must get some really fat people in your section if you think that the full order will leave you a little leftover to take home!!"

Do people really eat that much? I brought HALF of the leftovers home so I could share with THREE of my co-workers for lunch. That is just ridiculous!! Next time I know, get the half order, or one of their entrees. Shane ordered the chicken & spinach manicotti and it was a little on the large size, but it was about 10% of the amount of food I had.

So mental note to myself and anyone who might eat there, get the HALF order!!

1 comment:

LizaCorrine said...

I would have to agree with you. More and more of America is becoming overweight and with dishes and recommendations like that we can certainly see why. My friend and I discuss this fact regularly, that is large portion sizes, AND the fact that you cannot eat healthy cheap if you wanted tried. I was just surfing blogs and thought that your latest entry was interesting. If you have time, click on my name, stop by and see what you think of mine, and if you have a few minutes post a comment.