My sister, crafty gal she is, made this costume for Evan:

Isn't that the cutest!? I told him he'd have the best costume out of his entire class. While all the other kids have costumes bought at Target, he has a costume custom-made by his mom. He won't be one of the five pirates in his class, that's for sure!!
EDIT: I heard from my sister and apparently, his costume was the hit of the entire school! Everyone was stopping to stare and check it out, even the 4th and 5th graders. They were giving him high-fives as he walked by. You know you're cool when you're a 1st grader getting high-fives from the older kids!
Here are some pictures of our jack'o'lanterns we made over the weekend:

Hmmmm.... can you guess which one I made?!? :-)
More pictures of jack'o'lanterns made last night at my neighbors apt. to come later today!!
Yeah, I totally just used the same design as the t-shirt I have from They have awesome stuff!!
Oh wow. I can't believe I never thought of putting Meeples on my pumpkin. Instead I went for HomeStarRunner of the web site of the same name. And an actress who came by for the big pumpkin carving thought it was Ms. Pacman. I was silently appalled. Nobody out of dozens of those people knew who Home Star was. But so far everyone at work knew.
Oh wow! I can't believe I never thought of putting Meeples on my pumpkin. Instead I went for HomeStarRunner of the web site of the same name. And an actress who came by for the big pumpkin carving thought it was Ms. Pacman. I was silently appalled. Nobody out of dozens of those people knew who Home Star was. But so far everyone at work knew.
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