Right after work, I went to Shane's house for dinner. She fixed a tater tot casserole for me. It was good. I think it needed to be cooked at a higher temperature. Here's a photo:
Tater Tot Casserole
Tater Tot Casserole (adapted from Cooks.com)
1 1/2 lbs. ground beef
1 can green beans (14-15 oz.)
1 can corn (14-15 oz.)
2 12 oz. cans cream of mushroom
1/2 c. water
freshly ground black pepper
enough tater tots to cover the top fo dish
shredded cheddar cheese
Preheat oven to 450 F. Brown the beef. Drain the fat and place at the bottom of a 13 x 9 casserole/baking dish. Combine green beans, corn, cream of mushroom soup and water in a bowl. Mix well and pour over the ground beef. Arrange the tater tots to cover the mixture. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until tater tots are lightly browned. Sprinkle shredded cheese over the top and bake for five more minutes. Let cool for 5 more minutes and serve.
Then, I headed over to Lincoln & Nikki's for some games. I had a TON of fun! I arrived around 7:30 PM and chatted for a bit while unpacking my cheese ball and crackers. Then I proceeded to play:
Ra - with John, Karen and Mike. This was my first time playing it and I enjoyed it. I probably need to play a couple more times to really get the hang of it, but it was fun. Karen got points for the most pharoahs in all three epochs and dominated us!
For Sale - with John, Karen and Mike. Again, my first time with this one. Simple to learn and play. This is a good filler game. We were waiting for a game of Kreta to wrap up.
Can't Stop - with Davebo, Lincoln and Dave. I played this last weekend at Gary's for the first time and not only could we not stop playing last night (two games before Davebo took off), but I couldn't stop laughing! The D2 were cracking me up!
Emerald - with Dave and Lincoln. First time, quick to learn. I need to pay more attention to how my moves will affect others. The graphics were cracking me up because you have to go through a tunnel thing and it looks like a birth canal going up to a uterus. Here's a picture of Emerald:

Here's a close-up of the board. Can you see the resemblance to the birth canal?? :-)

Overall, a very fun evening with all of them. I left around midnight and I listened to my Katamari Damacy CD that Lincoln made for me! Yea!!
Oh, and I almost forgot, Shane with lipstick! Probably not the right color, but for someone who NEVER wears it, what a difference!!

And if any single guys are out there checking this out, she is single!! :-)
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